KTB Tuition
Annual tuition is split into 9 installments and paid monthly. The first installment is due upon registration in August. Remaining installments are due on the 15th of each month, September-April. There is a 15% discount for dancers in multiple classes (discount applied to least expensive classes).
** NEW ** There is a 5% tuition discount for families wishing to pay for the entire year up front. Please contact the Business Office for more details. Performance and costume fees are now built into tuition, with the exception of Children’s and Dance Division dancers participating in the Nutcracker - There will be a $50 performance fee added to family accounts for those dancers.
Summer tuition is charged per session and is paid in full prior to the start of each session.
If you have any questions about Tuition and Fees, please contact the Board of Directors at board@ketchikantheatreballet.com